First, if you are reading this, hello! It's been a long time! After getting the last episode out, including the Steam release, I was focused on finishing my MA degree and didn't have much time to devise new adventures for the gang. I was then embroiled in an ongoing saga with Canadian immigration, pandemic lockdowns, and full-time work.
During this time, however, we did see a lot of ripe satirical content unfurl itself from the branches of the Auspol Tree. In bits and pieces, I've been working mostly on improving what was already there - restructuring experience points, adding new skills, items, and enemies, and some interface improvements like new keyboard shortcuts. I've done so much since the last update, I haven't been able to keep track of all the changes, but, needless to say, there are many!
I've compiled everything into a new update (2.12), which is available now for Windows via the website or through Steam.
Some of the changes make this update incompatible with saved games from the previous version, but they are necessary for the new content in Episode 3.
Episode 3
With a federal election just around the corner, I am currently working my hardest to get the new episode out before May 2022. I've managed to string together some absurd quest paths based on the nonsense we've been subjected to over the last couple of years, from Scotty's Hawaii vacation to his French submarine debacle, and I'm also trying to make it a really enjoyable and funny gameplay experience.
I will try to post regular updates as development continues over the next couple of months!